Celebrity Virtual Magician

Ben CoreyUnited States

Ben Corey

Washington, United States
Talentfam member since Oct 04, 2022

Ben Corey believes that everyone could always use more fun, and that life is always better when filled with more happiness. He’s made it his life’s work to bring happiness boosting experiences to others.

Ben Corey has been entertaining since he was a child. Now, after thousands of shows he brings his experience to stages across the world. From Las Vegas, to Wichita Kansas he jets around bringing joy and wonder to audiences. He does this because he loves waking people up after a long day of learning. He likes seeing people laughing and reinvigorated. It fuels his passion like nothing else.

He loves to plan and create the context where professionals, who often have serious jobs, and serious relationships with coworkers, get a chance to kick back together, laugh, and have fun. As he thinks about material for performance, he’s focused on what will really give people an experience to talk about, so the fun continues long after the show, to help team members and colleagues bond.

Ben Corey also has a voracious appetite for knowledge and lives for the challenge of bringing your conference topics to life. His love of improvisation, using the voice, and blowing people’s minds while learning a few things himself, brings him to conferences. The thrill of working as a team, flexibly rolling with rapidly adjusting timelines, and making it work in tandem with others gets Ben Corey out of bed excited every morning.

What people say about Ben Corey

Photo of Wendy Pepper
Wendy Pepper

You electrify the audience. Watching you, I felt like I was watching Chopin.

Photo of Laura Morrone
Laura Morrone

Initially, when I heard my husband hired a magician I was like “oh no!…” I pictured some kind of clown doing a kids show but you are way way way waaaaaay beyond anything like that.

Photo of Ron Vita
Ron Vita

We sat in our meeting trying to figure out our schedule. I felt we just needed something a little more. I felt some magic or an illusionist would be great. I put my job on the line by doing some serious convincing and boy did you come through.

Photo of Laura Morrone
Laura Morrone

Initially, when I heard my husband hired a magician I was like “oh no!…” I pictured some kind of clown doing a kids show but you are way way way waaaaaay beyond anything like that.

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