Female Magician in Los Angeles

Magical KatrinaUnited States

Magical Katrina

Los Angeles, United States
Talentfam member since Aug 15, 2024

Magical Katrina, is an accomplished magician who has performed in over 18 countries. She has been part of the "Champions of Magic" touring show and appeared on television programs like "Masters of Illusion" and "Penn and Teller: Fool Us."

Katrina has won five magic awards and is recognized in the magic community, having lectured for various magicians' organizations and performed at prestigious venues. She's a member of the Magic Circle in London and has adapted to virtual performances during changing times.

Inspired by witches in media, Katrina began her career as a princess at children's parties before transitioning to magic. As a female magician, she has faced challenges in a male-dominated industry, including bias and online bullying. However, these experiences have strengthened her resolve.

Katrina specializes in close-up magic and stage illusions, emphasizing interactive and immersive performances. Her style blends traditional magic with modern storytelling and humor. She aims to create memorable experiences that bring joy, laughter, and wonder to her audiences.

Through her work, Katrina hopes to inspire others, particularly women, in the magic industry. She continues to push boundaries, explore new methods, and deliver unique performances, driven by her passion for magic and commitment to creating unforgettable experiences.

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